What will your child learn in Primary class?
The students in our primary class are taught in accordance with the English National curriculum (ENC). To help our student’s transition from the Early Years curriculum to the English National curriculum we have incorporated some of the early years elements in our classroom such as role-play, sand, maths, and creative area. This gives out students the opportunities to develop their learning independently and to further enhance their skills.
The following subjects are taught in accordance with the English National curriculum:
Core subjects
- English – reading, comprehension, handwriting, grammar, vocabulary, spelling
- Mathematics – number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement, geometry
- Science – plants, animals, everyday materials, seasonal changes
Foundation subjects
- Art and design – drawing, painting, sculpture, developing techniques, studying the work of artists
- Computing – create and debug simple programs, use technology safely and respectively, understand algorithms
- Design and technology – design and create their own products based on design criteria, build structures using various materials, explore and use mechanisms
- Geography – locational knowledge, place knowledge, geographical skills and fieldwork
- History – learning about significant historical events and changes within living history, people and places
- Music – play tuned and untuned instruments musically, singing, rhymes
- Physical education -participate in team games, develop technique and control, compare performances, perform dances